How to create a versatile NPM package project environment, TypeScript, Rollup

published on June 25, 2023 -
Node.js TypeScript Rollup.js npm

Introduction and Disclaimer

When you break your seal as a JavaScript developer and decide to create an NPM package, you may think to yourself "this is way too complicated".

There’s so much varying information online that’s hard to parse through. And of course, now that I’ve dipped my toes as a developer, there’s only one reasonable thing to do: add to the discourse :)

I wanted to create a guide for newcomers to navigate the tutorial pudding, but first a disclaimer: this is not a “one size fits all” solution. There are none and you’re just going to be disappointed

Through this guide I’m going to try justifying my design choices in hopes that I give you insights so that you can make informed decisions for your next Game Changing Million Dollar NPM Package (GCMDP).