How to Create Versatile npm Packages

published on June 25, 2023 - updated on August 21, 2024 - 25 minute read

Node.js TypeScript Rollup.js ESLint GitHub Action Husky ts-node Jest Prettier Renovate release-please commit-lint CommonJS ES Modules

hero image for How to Create Versatile npm Packages

Introduction and Disclaimer

When you experience the misery of being a JavaScript developer for long enough, you might have the bright idea of contributing to the npm ecosystem by creating your own game changing npm package. You enter tutorial quicksand and then you realize - “this is way too complicated.”

It’s true, there’s a lot of information online about creating npm packages; much of it conflicting. But fear not. I have reached enlightenment and will share what I have learned.

This guide consists of three sections:

  1. An overview of terminology for JavaScript and its module systems (e.g., ECMA, CJS, ESM, etc.).

    Note: section 1 has been separated to an independent article found here that also highlights the history of JavaScript. I highly recommend reading my previous article to fully understand the terminology used in this article.

  2. A walkthrough to set up a development environment configured with type safety, code formatting, dependency management, unit testing, and automatic releases.

  3. An opinionated recipe for making scalable npm packages that have wide support for users by delivering the most common JavaScript module systems, CommonJS and ES Modules.

While there is no “one size fits all” solution, this guide will present topics that should be considered when authoring an npm package, as well as provide justifications for tech/design decisions I’ve made to help give you informed opinions on how to make your next Game Changing Million Dollar npm Package (GCMDNP).

Follow along with my npm starter-kit repo.

Note: see pull requests and issues for more details on my workflow.

JavaScript Version and CommonJS vs ES Module

When we make JavaScript packages we must consider the JavaScript version and module systems we ship to users. Yeah, that’s right - not all JavaScript is the same.

The JavaScript version provides the syntax and APIs you and your users can use. The module system determines how your code is imported/exported and which users can use your package.


This article assumes that you understand the different JavaScript version and module system terminology. Understanding the terminology detailed in my previous article is a prerequisite to fully understand the contents of this article.

If hearing that “not all JavaScript is the same” is a surprise to you, or if you’re just interested in reading about the history of JavaScript, please see my previous article here:

JavaScript Versions

Below are excerpts from my previous article. See more here.

The “JavaScript version” is often referred to by the ECMA-262 edition, the ECMAScript version, the ECMAScript year, or the JavaScript version.

Keep in mind which JavaScript version you use and ship to your users:

ECMA-262ECMAScript editionECMAScript yearJavaScript (ES compliant)
Edition 1ES1ES1997JavaScript 1.3
Edition 2ES2ES1998JavaScript 1.3
Edition 3ES3ES1999JavaScript 1.5
Edition 4ES4(cancelled version)not completed
Edition 5ES5ES2009JavaScript 1.8.5
Edition 6ES6ES2015
Edition 7ES7ES2016
Edition 8ES8ES2017
Edition 9ES9ES2018
Edition 10ES10ES2019
Edition 11ES11ES2020
Edition 12ES12ES2021
Edition 13ES13ES2022
Edition 14ES14ES2023
Upcoming versionESNext

JavaScript Module Systems

Below are excerpts from my previous article. See more here.

“Should we author npm packages that support CommonJS module users?”

In a GitHub issue with no consensus, core Node.js contributor James M. Snell writes in March 2021 that CommonJS is not widely adopted but is also not close to being deprecated in Node.js.

Given CommonJS will be available as a module system for the foreseeable future, we should support those who choose to develop in CommonJS as well as the soldiers left behind in tech dept.

This guide will show you an easy method to deliver CommonJS to your users.

“Should we author npm packages that support ES Module users?”

In short, yes. Whether you like ES Modules or not, runtimes will support the ES Module implementation for the foreseeable future. We should support developers who choose to develop in ES Modules.

This guide will show you an easy method to deliver ES Modules to your users.

Using CommonJS and ES Modules

Your code will be determined as either CommonJS or ES Module by your runtime environment using the following methods (sorted by priority):


  • acceptable file extensions: .js, .cjs
  • package.json attribute: "type":"commonjs"
    • an empty "type" attribute defaults to "commonjs"
  • the module import/export methods described here

ES Module

  • acceptable file extensions: .js, .mjs
  • package.json attribute: "type":"module"
  • the module import/export methods described here

Tree Shaking

Tree Shaking refers to the bundler removing unused/dead code from the final build. This doesn’t apply to this package directly, but it does apply for any user that would consume this package. I.e., if a user only wants to use a portion of the package, the unused code should be removed rather than waste space by being bundled in their project. Therefore the package should be written in a way that can be easily tree shaken.

The CommonJS problem

You might find that online resources make conflicting claims:

  1. Commonly, “Tree Shaking is only possible with ES Modules” or “It relies on the static structure of ES2015 module syntax”
  2. Far less common, “Tree Shaking is sometimes possible with CommonJS”

The reason Tree Shaking is commonly associated with ES Modules is because the algorithm used to strip unused/dead code from the project will perform static analysis to determine which code is used or declared in the global scope at the time of bundling.

This is almost impossible to determine in CommonJS because one of CommonJS’ distinguishing features is the ability to conditionally import. E.g.,

if (condition) {
const pkg = require("./index")

In the example above, whether ./index is imported is determined at runtime, so an algorithm can’t determine whether the import will ever resolve and will therefore bundle ./index just in case. This is the reason that some bundlers don’t even attempt to tree shake CommonJS and therefore ./index will be bundled just in case even if it isn’t conditionally imported.

How to defy god

There are usually plugins for modern bundlers that will perform advanced static analysis to remove unused/dead CommonJS code. You’ll have to do research on solutions that work for you and rely on open-source maintainers. For example Webpack’s webpack-common-shake.

This project will supply an import subpath (discussed later) that will allow users to narrow what they import regardless of whether unused/dead code has been tree shaken.

Writing Tree Shakable Code

I recommend reading Simohamed Marhraoui’s article at LogRocket, “Tree shaking and code splitting in webpack”. The article extensively explains how to optimize your code for tree shaking when using things like classes, namespaces, side effects, etc.

Some good rules of thumb for tree shaking are as follows:

  1. Use named exports when exporting code (discussed further here).

  2. Do not bundle code into one file (discussed further here).

  3. Do not write code with side effects.

    A side effect is code that performs something other than exposing exports. An example of a common side effect is adding a polyfill to your code, or any other impure code.

    console.log('hello') // <- side effect!
    export const foo = () => {
    import { foo } from './foo.js'
    // `console.log('hello')` will execute even though only `foo` was imported, which means there's a side effect!

    It’s best to add the following attribute to the package.json configuration when the package doesn’t contain a side effect:

    // some config
    "sideEffects": false
  4. Export the package with a wildcard subpath entry point.

    Subpath entry points make it possible for the user of the package to make a relative import to the exact module they need within the package. This lets users take advantage of tree shaking as well as dynamic importing to perform lazy-loading (aka code-splitting). Christian Gonzalez writes an insightful article describing how subpath imports fix tree shaking in circumstances where code doesn’t tree shake correctly.

Export pattern

named exports bernie meme

When exporting functions, variables, classes, etc. use the patterns:

export const hello = "world"
// OR
const hello = "world"
export { hello }

The main reasons to avoid the default pattern are:

  1. exporting as default exports as value rather than a live reference

    • this could have unexpected behaviours, specifically if your module has side effects or is exporting const/let scoped anonymous functions (that won’t be hoisted).
  2. transpilers could have unexpected behaviors and create patterns such as1:

    function hello () { return "hello" }
    export default hello
    import hello from ('./file1.js')
  3. tooling is better for named exports because autocomplete can tell which package you’re importing based on the destructured element.

  4. it’s easier for compilers to statically analyze which code is unused for tree shaking.

  5. Most importantly, the people who use your package are going to spit in your oatmeal.2

Use index files as your entry point (barrel files)

Node.js has a special relationship with index files. You’ll notice in the example code that I do a trick where imports don’t define the specific file, but rather only specify the file directory to be imported:

export const hello = "hello"
import { hello } from "./lib" // <- notice I didn't need to reference "./lib/index"

This is possible because this project will use TSConfig’s bundler module resolution which will perform directory module resolution from the CommonJS module system (even though the import statement is ESM syntax) to specifically look for index.js or index.node in the case where a directory path is supplied as an import rather than a file path.


Time to build the package!

Setting up your environment

tech stack everything bagel

Note: This guide will assume you have Node.js and npm set up on your system


Initialize your git repo on GitHub. I prefer creating a repo on GitHub and connecting via the https address, but another common method is to clone the repo.

  1. Initialize a repo using the https address with the following command:

    Terminal window
    mkdir <REPO_NAME> && cd <REPO_NAME> \
    git init -b main \
    git add . && git commit --allow-empty -m "initial commit" \
    git remote add origin <HTTP ADDRESS> \
    git push -u origin main
  2. If they don’t exist already, use the following command to create a .gitignore, and a

    Terminal window
    echo "# My Game Changing Million Dollar NPM Package" > \
    echo node_modules > .gitignore \
    touch \
    git add . && git commit -m "docs: add gitignore, CONTRIBUTING, and README"

    The document should be the guidelines for how you and others should create commit messages and pull requests. Examples of contributing files:

    The document will be the landing page for the package on the npm website. It’s standard to format the with the following sections:

    Terminal window
    # <TITLE>
    ## Summary
    ## Installation
    ## Quick Start / Usage

    Any further information about the project should be located in a GitHub wiki.

Initiate the package manager

This guide will use npm to manage our package’s metadata:

Terminal window
npm init

If you have no idea how to answer the prompts you can leave everything as default, but you should have the information required for name, description, and author.


Installing packages

There are a couple of options for installing dependencies into the project:

Note: in this context “user” is the developer using your GCMDNP

dependency typedependenciesdevDependenciespeerDependenciesbundleDependencies
dependency behaviourwill be downloaded in the user’s node_module folder. If the user already has a different version of the dependency installed, install the copy of the dependency in a node_module folder within your GCMDNPwill only be downloaded in your GCMDNP when in development and will be left behind when your package is installed by the userwill be downloaded in the user’s node_module folder. If the user already has the dependency but a different version, warn the user that they have a different version, but don’t enforce a new installation UNLESS the dependency has a major version difference (i.e., 1.x.x vs 2.x.x)will be bundled with your GCMDNP and therefore automatically installed in the user’s project when installing your package

Only JavaScript and type declarations will be shipped to the user when they install the package. Since none of the project configurations or even the TypeScript is sent to the user we should be mindful of how the dependencies are installed so that the user doesn’t download useless dependencies in their own project.

Refer to npm docs on how to use npm install flags to mark dependencies as dev, peer, bundle, etc.

File structure

My preferred structure looks like this:

Terminal window
├── src
│ ├── @types
│ │ ├── index.ts
│ ├── lib
│ │ ├── main.ts
│ ├── index.ts
└── package.json

This structure is maintainable for my workflow because it separates the logic cleanly, which allows for code/type modularity where I can just create the files in lib or @types as needed.

Generate my preferred file structure by running the following command from the project root:

Terminal window
mkdir src src/@types src/lib && touch src/index.ts src/lib/main.ts src/@types/index.ts

Note: the rest of this guide uses this file structure, but use what works for you!


Husky is a tool to manage and trigger Git Hooks, which basically do “some defined action” when there is a commit. This package will create some Git Hooks later.

  1. Install Husky at the root of the project:

    Terminal window
    npm i --save-dev husky

    Note: the --save-dev flag (-D flag for short) is used to install Husky as devDependencies.

  2. Add a prepare script to the package.json. When Husky installs itself into the ./.husky directory it adds a .gitignore that will ignore all of its installed files, so Husky needs to reinstall itself on every npm installation:

    "scripts": {
    // some scripts
    "prepare": "husky install" // prepare will automatically run before the npm i command
  3. Trigger the actual Husky install:

    Terminal window
    npm i

Commit linting

To ensure that commit messages are consistent, this project will use commitlint and Husky to ensure Angular commit guidelines are being followed.

  1. Install commitlint at the root of the project:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D @commitlint/config-conventional @commitlint/cli
  2. Create a config file for commitlint with commit conventions:

    Terminal window
    echo "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional']}" > commitlint.config.cjs
  3. Add a Husky hook to run commitlint on every commit message:

    Terminal window
    echo "npx --no -- commitlint --edit $1" > .husky/commit-msg

Version control

Project versions are an important piece of metadata for npm packages. There are many options to manage your package version according to semantic versioning. I recommend using release-please by Google or Changesets.

Some differences to consider:

version bumpsrelease-please will only bump a version if your commit is a BREAKING CHANGE, feat, or fixYou manually bump the version using a changesets command
changelogsrelease-please auto-generates a CHANGELOG file based on your commit messagesYou manually write the contents of the CHANGELOG file using a changesets command
bumping the reporelease-please bumps your repo via an automated pull requestYou manually bump your repo with a commit. You can set up your own GitHub Action to have an automated pull requests

Some developers believe changesets are more flexible. I’ll show both and you can choose what suits you best.


  1. Install changesets at the root of the project:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D @changesets/cli && npx changeset init
  2. Bump the version with the following command:

    Terminal window
    npx changeset

    Note: when you follow the cli instructions you will find an auto-generated file in the ./changeset/<some-random-human-readable-changeset-name>.md.

  3. Apply version bump


    1. Use the following command:

      Terminal window
      npx changeset version
    2. Commit the modified and package.json


    1. Set up a GitHub Action that will automatically create a pull request to bump our versions. Changesets’ documentation has a great tutorial.

Note: you must also allow GitHub Actions to read, write, and create pull requests in your GitHub repo settings:

github workflow permissions

Note: Changesets flatten version bumps of the same type!. Ensure you merge the pull request or manually bump the package version often if you want to have granular bumps rather than the flattening effect.


  1. Create a Personal Access Token (PAT) with the following permissions:

release please github pat

  1. Add your PAT to your GCMDNP repo as an Action Secret

  2. Add a GitHub Action to your project

    Terminal window
    mkdir .github .github/workflows && touch .github/workflows/release-please.yml
  3. Configure the GitHub Action as follows:

    - main
    contents: write
    pull-requests: write
    name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: googleapis/release-please-action@v4
    # this assumes that you have created a personal access token
    # (PAT) and configured it as a GitHub action secret named
    # `RELEASE_PLEASE_TOKEN` (this secret name is not important).
    token: ${{ secrets.RELEASE_PLEASE_TOKEN }}
    # this is a built-in strategy in release-please, see "Action Inputs"
    # for more options
    release-type: node
  4. Bump version with commit messages

  5. Merge release-please pull requests to apply version bumps to the repository

Note: you must also allow GitHub Actions to read, write, and create pull requests in your GitHub repo settings:

github workflow permissions

Note: release-please flattens version bumps of the same type!. Ensure you merge the pull request often if you want to have granular bumps rather than the flattening effect.



Prettier is a package that formats the code. It’s not used for type checking or finding code errors. Use ESLint and/or TypeScript.

Prettier can enforce rules such as having your code use tabs, placing semi-colons on each line, etc.

  1. Install Prettier at the root of the project:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D prettier
  2. Create a config file for Prettier:

    Terminal window
    echo {} > .prettierrc
  3. (optional) You can use a Prettier plugin to organize import statements:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports
  4. There are many options for customizing Prettier to make code clear for you! An example config I like:

    "trailingComma": "es5",
    "tabWidth": 4,
    "semi": false,
    "singleQuote": false,
    "singleAttributePerLine": false,
    // optional import plugin config
    "importOrder": [
    "importOrderSeparation": true,
    "importOrderSortSpecifiers": true,
    "importOrderCaseInsensitive": false,
    "plugins": [
  5. Add format scripts to the package.json to run Prettier on the project files:

    // some config
    "scripts": {
    // some scripts
    "format:check": "prettier --check src --cache", // checks files
    "format:write": "prettier --write src --cache" // applies fixes

    Note: the --cache flag will apply the scripts to changed files only. Remove the flag if you want the script to apply to the entire project.


ESLint is a package that lints the code. It is used for finding code errors!

ESLint can enforce rules that ensure the code runs without a runtime, syntax, or logic error, such as whether to use === or == equality.

  1. Install ESLint by running the following command at the root of the project:

    Terminal window
    npm init @eslint/config

    Configure ESLint with what works best for your project, but my recommended prompts are as follows:

eslint init config

  1. Add the following override to your package.json to ensure that ESLint plugins are forced to use the version of ESLint you’ve installed rather than the version the plugin depends on.

    Note: overrides are useful if plugin maintainers don’t update their dependencies. This step is recommended by ESLint.

    // some config
    "overrides": {
    "eslint": "^9.6.0" // or whichever ESLint you've installed

    The CLI generates almost everything we’re going to need. If you selected the “Does your project use TypeScript” option you’ll find the typescript-eslint package already configured, which lets ESLint and Prettier be compatible with TypeScript. Nice!

ESLint can be used as a formatter, but that should really be left to a dedicated formatter like Prettier.

  1. To disable rules that conflict with Prettier, we can use the eslint-config-prettier package:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D eslint-config-prettier
  2. Import eslint-config-prettier and add it to the end of the ESLint configuration array:

    import eslintConfigPrettier from "eslint-config-prettier"
    export default [
    // some plugins
  3. Add a lint script to the package.json to run ESLint on our files:

    // some config
    "scripts": {
    // some scripts
    "lint:eslint": "eslint src/**/** --config eslint.config.mjs"

There are many options for customizing ESLint if you’re adventurous, but the default rules are suitable for this guide.


“TypeScript is just overhead!”

You shouldn’t feel obligated to write your code in TypeScript, but it’s widely adopted and not that much work to get running.

Despite what the TypeScript haters say, we should consider the developer experience and “how easy it is for someone to use my work.” If type declarations help developers use your package - then use it.

A rising alternative to TypeScript is to use JSDoc which essentially uses code comments to enforce type safety, which eliminates the transpile step in building a package since the source code is also JavaScript. For more information comparing the pros and cons of JSDoc to TypeScript I recommend reading Nwalozie Elijah’s article at OpenReplay, “JSDoc: A Solid Alternative To TypeScript”.

If you aren’t familiar with TypeScript AT ALL, fear not! You can always ditch the type system and author your *.ts files in JavaScript and the transpiler will still emit types using type inference.

Ok ok, fine just use *.js files. Whatever. I’m still using .ts.

“But we already have ESLint??!”

ESLint should be linting your code for code correctness, like enforcing the appropriate equality checks (=== vs ==), enforcing unused variables, etc. TypeScript is used for defining the shape of objects, other variables, and functions within the code to be able to properly handle data and avoid runtime errors.3

  1. Install TypeScript and Node.js types at the root of the project:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D typescript @types/node
  2. There are fr fr many options for the TypeScript config an example that suits this project can be generated with the following command:

    Terminal window
    npx tsc --init --forceConsistentCasingInFileNames --skipLibCheck --verbatimModuleSyntax --allowJs --resolveJsonModule --moduleDetection force --strict --noUncheckedIndexedAccess --lib ESNext --moduleResolution Bundler --isolatedModules --target es2022 --declaration false --esModuleInterop --module ESNext

    You can clean up the comments by hand, or you can be a programmer (source):

    Terminal window
    sed -i -r '/^[ \t]*\//d; /^[[:space:]]*$/d; s/\/\*(.*?)\*\///g; s/[[:blank:]]+$//' tsconfig.json

    The tsconfig.json should now contain the following configuration:

        "compilerOptions": {
            "target": "es2022",
            "lib": [
            "moduleDetection": "force",
            "module": "esnext",
            "moduleResolution": "bundler",
            "resolveJsonModule": true,
            "allowJs": true,
            "declaration": false,
            "isolatedModules": true,
            "verbatimModuleSyntax": true,
            "esModuleInterop": true,
            "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
            "strict": true,
            "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true,
            "skipLibCheck": true
  3. Add the source directory to the config to tell TypeScript where to do the type checking:

        "compilerOptions": {
            // some compiler options
        "include": [
  4. Add a lint script to the package.json to run TypeScript on the project files:

    // some config
    "scripts": {
    // some scripts
    "lint:ts": "tsc --noEmit --pretty",

Configuring you your tsconfig.json is the “choose your own adventure” part of this guide. TypeScript configurations are different for most projects. (i.e., is your package only exporting JavaScript? Is your package exporting jsx? Are you mixing JavaScript and TypeScript? Are you referencing your modules with or without file extensions? etc.).

Let’s walk through why I made these decisions for my tsconfig.json file:

Things that affect the linting

  • lib: the JavaScript library used for the type-checking (ECMA version, DOM, etc.).
    • I want to develop with the latest JavaScript library available. We won’t have to worry about user support for esnext since lib version doesn’t get emitted.
  • allowJs: let JavaScript interop work in TypeScript files.
    • I may want to use JavaScript in this package.
  • forceConsistentCasingInFileNames: enforces case-sensitive file names based on how other files are named.
    • Personal preference to have this. I prefer consistent file name casing in my project.
  • strict: enforces the main type checking benefits of TypeScript.
    • Some say that if you disable strict you might as well not use TypeScript.
  • noUncheckedIndexedAccess: will throw warnings when indexing an array/object such as “index may be undefined”.
    • This option is useful, especially concerning input you don’t control (i.e., Promises, user input, etc.) where you should consider handling undefined or index does not exist responses.
  • skipLibCheck: will not check over the TypeScript declaration files in your project.
    • You shouldn’t be creating declaration files in your project, so this is mainly going to skip over the declaration files in your node_module dependencies. I don’t want to check over dependency types which are likely already type-checked.
  • moduleDetection: will tell TypeScript that all of your files are modules (ESM or CJS) with their own scope, as opposed to scripts that declare variables in the global scope.
    • force will tell TypeScript to assume your files are modules rather than auto which checks each file’s import/export statement and the type value in the package.json to determine if the file is CommonJS or ES Module.
  • moduleResolution: will tell TypeScript how to find the file for an imported module.
    • bundler has the characteristics of:
      • import condition (from ES Module syntax).
      • does not require file extension (from CommonJS syntax).
      • performs directory module resolution. I.e., I can import ./something and the runtime will look for ./something/index.ts because index is a special filename. (from CommonJS syntax).
    • Because we will be emitting CommonJS and ES Module I want the source code to have non-strictly defined imports and have the bundler figure out module paths with file types.
  • resolveJsonModule: let JSON interop just work in TypeScript files.
    • I may want to use JSON in this package.
  • isolatedModules: Typescript will check whether individual files rely on other files to transpile. E.g., module a relies on something in the global type system (i.e., enum, namespace, etc.). This is because the types affect how the code is transpiled in some circumstances and often bundlers will transpile one file at a time and therefore won’t be able to access the full type system.
    • This should be enabled as this project uses a bundler.
  • verbatimModuleSyntax: does two things
    • (1) TypeScript will not emit module b if module a only imports a type from module b and no other code.
    • (2) TypeScript does not allow you to mix and match import/export styles between the source code you write and the emitted code. I.e., if you’re writing an ES Module and emitting as CommonJS, you cannot use ES Module syntax for importing.
      • TypeScript usually does magic to let mix-and-match import/exports work but it’s become less common to let that magic happen in modern projects.

Things that affect the compiled JavaScript

  • target: the JavaScript version to be emitted by the transpiler
    • es2022 is a widely supported ECMAScript edition (ES13) by runtimes, so it’s unlikely this project will use features that will be unsupported or require polyfills.
  • module: whether TypeScript emits your modules as CommonJS or ES Modules.
    • Because we are using a bundler and our moduleResolution is bundler we must select an es* module type. This is not a big deal since our bundler will emit the correct module import/export statements.
  • declaration: tells TypeScript to emit type declaration files.
    • We want to disable this because we’ll be emitting declarations via a separate command, not through config. (discussed later)
  • esModuleInterop: will TypeScript emit some extra JavaScript to make sure that if you’re using CommonJS/AMD/UMD modules as if they’re ESM, it will still work by whatever uses your transpiled code.
    • If this is disabled you might occasionally have errors because ESM and CJS handle default import/exports differently (require("").default moment).

I want to note at this point that many blogs, tutorials and other accessible mediums to find information on TypeScript compiler options do a poor job of explaining what the options do. Even the TypeScript TSConfig Reference documentation is confusing at times. If you are confused about TSConfig compiler options, my recommendation is to look at the source material.

For example, below are three references I used to fully understand what verbatimModuleSyntax does, including the actual TypeScript pull request and proposal. Sometimes the source is just good:


We can use lint-staged to make sure our linters run on each commit.

  1. Install lint-staged at the root of the project:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D lint-staged
  2. Create a config file for lint-staged:

    Terminal window
    echo {} > .lintstagedrc
  3. Add the npm linting commands to the config instructions which will run on *.ts files. So far this guide has the following:

    "*.ts": [
    "npm run format:write",
    "npm run lint:eslint",
    "npm run lint:ts"
  4. Add a hook to Husky to run lint-staged on before every commit:

    Terminal window
    echo "npx lint-staged" > .husky/pre-commit

Maintain project dependencies

Instead of manually updating our project dependencies, we can automate this process by adding a GitHub bot to our project.


Note: Renovate has a tutorial with pictures here

  1. Install the Renovate bot through the GitHub Marketplace:

  2. Complete the registration with Mend.

  3. Complete the organization registration.

    1. Select interactive mode to ensure the Renovate bot sends upgrade pull requests.
    2. Use the “With Config File” option to ensure the bot is only active on repositories that you select.
  4. Create a config file for renovate:

    Terminal window
    echo {} > renovate.json
  5. There are many options for customizing Renovate. The default is fine in most instances:

        "$schema": "",
        "extends": ["config:base"]

Now we will receive automated emails and pull requests when dependencies in our project can be updated.

You can find additional configuration options on the RenovateBot website



Jest is a package that lets us create test harnesses to test the correctness of our code.

  1. Install Jest, Jest types, and a TypeScript-Jest transformer to use TypeScript with Jest at the root of the project:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D jest @types/jest ts-jest @jest/globals
  2. Generate the Jest config by by running the following command at the root of the project, and following the prompts for how you want to customize your environment:

    Terminal window
    npx jest --init

    My initiating recommendations:

jest init config

  1. Change the default export in the Jest config file because this project uses verbatimModuleSyntax:

    // some code
    export default config
    module.exports = config

    Generating a Jest config through the CLI generates almost everything we’ll need! We need to configure the Jest to use the ts-jest package so that Jest can work on our *.ts code.

  2. Change the jest config type to use the ts-jest compliant config:

    import type { JestConfigWithTsJest } from 'ts-jest'
    const config: JestConfigWithTsJest = {
    // some config
    module.exports = config
  3. Jest still considers ES Modules an experimental feature. To enable interop we have to manually enable useESM:

    import type { JestConfigWithTsJest } from 'ts-jest'
    const config: JestConfigWithTsJest = {
    // some config
    extensionsToTreatAsEsm: ['.ts'],
    transform: {
    '^.+\\.[tj]sx?$': [ //to process ts,js,tsx,jsx with `ts-jest`
    useESM: true,
    module.exports = config
  4. Configure jest to skip @types when it reports which files have tests:

    import type { JestConfigWithTsJest } from 'ts-jest'
    const config: JestConfigWithTsJest = {
    // some config
    coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
    module.exports = config
  5. Change or add the test script in the package.json

    // some config
    "scripts": {
    // some scripts
    "test": "node --experimental-vm-modules --no-warnings node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js",
    "test:coverage": "node --experimental-vm-modules --no-warnings node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --coverage --coverageDirectory=./test/coverage",
    "test:ci": "node --experimental-vm-modules --no-warnings node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js --ci",

    Note: the --experimental-vm-modules flag to enable ES Modules in the node:api that jest accesses.

    • test:coverage: will produce an html document in ./tests/coverage that shows you which files/functions have tests.
    • test:ci: will not store snapshots when tests fail.

    While we’re in the package.json add the following line to indicate to the runtime that our project should be consumed as an ES Module (I’ll repeat this step later as a reminder):

    // some config
    "type": "module",
    "scripts": {
    // some scripts
  6. Add jest coverage to .gitignore

    Terminal window
    printf "\ntest/coverage" >> .gitignore
  7. Create a GitHub workflow to run your tests and linting as a GitHub action

    Terminal window
    mkdir .github .github/workflows && touch .github/workflows/ci.yml

    Note: actions are great to use because it will prohibit code from entering your codebase if it doesn’t pass linting/test

  8. Configure the GitHub Action as follows:

    name: continuous-integration
            branches: [main]
            branches: [main]
            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
                - name: Checkout
                  uses: actions/checkout@v2
                - name: Use Node.js
                  uses: actions/setup-node@v4
                      node-version: "18.x"
                - name: Install Dependencies
                  run: npm ci
                - name: Run TSC
                  run: npm run lint:ts
                - name: Run ESLint
                  run: npm run lint:eslint
                - name: Run Prettier
                  run: npm run format:check
                - name: Run Tests
                  run: npm run test:ci
                - name: Test Successful Build
                  run: npm run build

Nice! We’ll write some tests later.

Note: jest will not work without our next step: setting up ts-node


ts-node and nodemon

nodemon is a package that will run our code on our machine and restart its instance whenever a change is made to the files. Pretty handy! But nodemon was only made to run JavaScript, so we’ll also need to use ts-node to have nodemon work with our code.

  1. Install ts-node and nodemon at the root of the project:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D ts-node nodemon tslib

    Note: tslib is a TypeScript library that contains helper functions that ts-node (and Rollup plugins) depend on.

    If our code was using CommonJS we’d be able to slap a nodemon src/index.ts script in our package.json and call it a day. Unfortunately we have to do a few more steps:

  2. Add the following configuration to the tsconfig.json:

    "compilerOptions": {
            // some compiler options
    "ts-node": {
    "esm": true,
    "experimentalSpecifierResolution": "node",

    Note: esm requires a file type in its import statements. We use moduleResolution as bundler in our tsconfig.json so that we don’t use file types, and the bundler can deal with it. In order for this to work with ts-node we need experimentalSpecifierResolution set to node so that ts-node doesn’t complain that our imports don’t have file types when it executes the code on our machine.

  3. Add the following configuration to the package.json

    // some config
    "nodemonConfig": {
    "exec": "node --no-warnings --loader ts-node/esm src/index.ts",
    "watch": ["src"],
    "ext": "ts,json,js"

    Note: Since ES Modules are also experimental for ts-node we need to load ts-node/esm when our files are executed. This means we unfortunately can’t just run nodemon src/index.ts with its out-of-the-box settings, we need to configure nodemon run a specific command with our loaded module.

  4. Add a start to the package.json

    // some config
    "type": "module",
    "scripts": {
    // some scripts
    "start": "nodemon"

Example npm package code

showing ross as an example

Follow along with my npm starter-kit repo.

Note: see pull requests and issues for more details on my workflow.

Example Code

This package will be simple:


export type TMessage = string
export * from "./main/main"


import type { TMessage } from "../@types"
export const important_message: TMessage = "hello"
export const world = () => console.log(important_message)
export const hello_world = () => console.log("Hello, World")
export * from './@types'
export * from "./lib/main"
export * from "./lib/hello"

Example Tests

import { jest } from "@jest/globals"
import { world } from "../src/index"
describe("testing world function", () => {
    it("console should say hello", () => {
        const consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(console, "log")

Building the npm package

Mental model

There are four steps to build the package:

  1. Emit type declaration files for all of our source code and types
  2. Transpile the source code to CommonJS
  3. Transpile the source code to ES Modules
  4. Generate a file of bundled TypeScript declarations for both ES Module and CommonJS

The package will be shipped to the user in JavaScript. We will also ship .d.ts type declaration files to allow users to develop in TypeScript to understand the type and shape of the package code.

Why the build is not emitting source maps

Source maps are really for minified code that is mostly not human-readable. The purpose is so that developers can inspect modules (in the browser for example) and be directed to the (pre-minified human-readable) source code rather than the minified code, even if the minified code is being used rather than the source code.

We aren’t minifying code in this package, so we won’t need to direct users to a different human-readable source code using source maps; all of our source code should be human-readable!

Why the build is not minifying

The purpose of minifying code is to make the files smaller while keeping functionality. The process may look like:

// example source code (pre-minified)
const someDescriptiveVariable = "hello"
// example minified code
const s="hello"

This illustration is not a 1-to-1 on how the minification algorithm works, but the essence is that we removed a significant amount of characters that matter to the human but will be useless bytes for the runtime.

If you were, for example, shipping code that is intended to be used right in a production environment (i.e., used in the browser, or used in a project that is not bundled) then it would make sense to minify your code and save precious space in your files. In our case, users will likely consume our module in a development environment with some bundler.

Why aren’t we bundling our code into a single JavaScript file

A common pattern when creating a npm package is to emit your bundle as a single JavaScript file. Although some say you should bundle your code into a single JavaScript file simply “for cleanliness” , this has multiple problems:

  1. Less effective static analysis for tree shaking.
  2. Cannot dynamic import.

“If we are emitting our code as modules in separate files, why do we emit a single .d.ts type declaration file?”

Because declaration files are global scoped, it doesn’t matter to the linter whether you use one file or many. We will opt for a single type declaration file that is easy to read and consume as a developer.

Another reason is to avoid breaking encapsulation which is essentially a scenario where types are bundled in the wrong declaration files.

I describe why we need to emit a single type declaration file for both our CJS and ESM builds later.

Note: we won’t face the same issues of “well now we can’t dynamically import” because you don’t dynamically import types.

Package config

These configurations will be read by the user’s runtime when they consume our package.

  1. In order to have our package work for both ESM and CommonJS JavaScript, we will write a conditional export property in our package.json according to the TypeScript specification.

    // some config
    "exports": {
    ".": {
    "import": {
    "types": "./dist/@types/esm/index.d.ts",
    "default": "./dist/esm/index.mjs"
    "require": {
    "types": "./dist/@types/cjs/index.d.cts",
    "default": "./dist/cjs/index.cjs"
        "./*": {
    "import": {
    "types": "./dist/@types/esm/index.d.ts",
    "default": "./dist/esm/index.mjs"
    "require": {
    "types": "./dist/@types/cjs/index.d.cts",
    "default": "./dist/cjs/index.cjs"
    "types": "./dist/@types/index.d.ts",
    "module": "./dist/esm/index.mjs",
    "main": "./dist/cjs/index.cjs",

    Note: these settings were at one point suggested by TypeScript documentation. Based on the current TypeScript documentation it is unclear if this is still suggested. See my full explanation here

    What these settings mean:

    • exports: takes highest precedent in modern node and conditionally switches between CommonJS and ES Module source depending on how the user imports the package.
    • main: used as a fallback for old node versions looking for CommonJS that don’t support exports configuration
    • module: used as a fallback to when build tools used module to resolve where the ES Modules were.
    • exports.".": the catch-all condition for when users import the package (i.e., from 'npm-package')
    • exports."./*": used when users selectively import modules in import patterns like such as:
    const { hello_world } = require("npm-package-template/lib/hello")

    Note: subpath entry points are useful for dynamic imports/lazy-loading/code-splitting

  2. (skip if completed in jest setup) Add a type property to the package.json to declare the module type of the project (ES Module):

    // some config
    "type": "module",
  3. Add a files property to the package.json to determine which files will be shipped to the user:

    // some config
    "files": [
  4. Add prepack and clean scripts to the package.json

    // some config
    "scripts": {
    // some scripts
    "build:clean": "rm -rf dist",
    "prepack": "npm ci && npm run build"

    npm will use the pack command to ship our project, so we can take advantage of npm’s special pre* syntax to run scripts before pack runs.

    Note: npm ci creates a fresh install of our dependencies as opposed to npm i which will only install dependencies that aren’t currently installed.

Declarations with TSC

Our setup so far means we only need to add a single command to emit our declarations:

// some config
"scripts": {
// some scripts
"build:declarations": "tsc --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir ./dist/declarations"

Bundling with Rollup.js

To use Rollup on a TypeScript project we’ll need to use the typescript plugin and the tslib library (already installed when installing ts-node!).

We’ll use the rollup-plugin-dts plugin to bundle our declaration files.

Note: if you package includes third-party modules in node_module I recommend using the @rollup/plugin-node-resolve plugin. If your package includes CommonJS modules I recommend using the @rollup/plugin-commonjs plugin.

  1. Install Rollup and Rollup plugins at the project root:

    Terminal window
    npm i -D rollup rollup-plugin-dts @rollup/plugin-typescript
  2. Create a config file for Rollup

    Terminal window
    touch rollup.config.js
  3. There are many options for customizing Rollup but an example for this guide would be:

    import typescript from "@rollup/plugin-typescript"
    import { dts } from "rollup-plugin-dts"
    import package_details from "./package.json"
    const outputConfig = {
        dir: "dist/esm",
        format: "es",
        exports: "named",
        generatedCode: {
            constBindings: true,
        preserveModules: true,
        entryFileNames: "[name].mjs",
    export default [
        // build the CommonJS Module code
            input: "src/index.ts",
            output: [
                    dir: "dist/cjs",
                    format: "cjs",
                    entryFileNames: "[name].cjs",
            plugins: [
                    compilerOptions: { declaration: false, outDir: "dist/cjs" },
        // build the ESModule code
            input: "src/index.ts",
            output: [
            plugins: [
                    compilerOptions: { declaration: false, outDir: "dist/esm" },
        // this config will bundle the type declaration files
        // emitted during the `build:declarations` step for the `types` fallback
            input: "./dist/declarations/index.d.ts",
            output: [{ file: package_details.types, format: "es" }],
            plugins: [dts()],
        // this config will bundle the type declaration files
        // emitted during the `build:declarations` step for the ES Module types
            input: "./dist/declarations/index.d.ts",
            output: [
                { file: package_details.exports["."].import.types, format: "es" },
            plugins: [dts()],
        // this config will bundle the type declaration files
        // emitted during the `build:declarations` step for the CommonJS types
            input: "./dist/declarations/index.d.ts",
            output: [
                { file: package_details.exports["."].require.types, format: "es" },
            plugins: [dts()],
  4. Add a build script to the package.json to transpile the TypeScript into ES Module JavaScript, CommonJS JavaScript, and a bundled type declaration file:

    // some config
    "scripts": {
    // some scripts
    "prebuild": "npm run build:clean && npm run build:declarations",
    "build": "rollup --bundleConfigAsCjs -c rollup.config.js"

    Note: I use the --bundleConfigAsCjs flag because the runtime can get confused about whether this config is CommonJS or ES Module.

“Why are we emitting our types twice?”

“Attempting to use a single .d.ts file to type both an ES module entry point and a CommonJS entry point will cause TypeScript to think only one of those entry points exists, causing compiler errors for users of the package.” - TypeScript 4.7 release notes

See my GitHub issue explaining why its unclear if this is true.

Making a demo

Let’s make a demo to observe the behaviour of our package before we publish our code.

  1. From the project root you can run this command to generate a file structure for project demos:

    Terminal window
    mkdir demos demos/ts demos/cjs demos/esm && touch demos/ts/index.ts demos/cjs/index.cjs demos/esm/index.mjs

    the file structure should look like:

    Terminal window
    └── demos
    ├── cjs
    │ ├── index.cjs
    ├── esm
    │ ├── index.mjs
    └── ts
    └── index.ts
  2. cd into a demo (example cjs) and initiate the demo by creating a package.json by running the command:

    npm init
  3. Add scripts to the package.json to build our package and to move the build to the demo folder:

    "scripts": {
    "clean": "rm -rf ./cjs-demo_pkg.tgz node_modules package-lock.json",
    "pack:build": "cd ../../ && npm pack && mv *.tgz ./demos/cjs/cjs-demo_pkg.tgz",
    "pack:install": "npm i cjs-demo_pkg.tgz",
    "pack:package": "npm run pack:build && npm run pack:install",
    "prestart": "npm run clean && npm run pack:package",
    "start": "node index.cjs",
    "start:noinstall": "node index.cjs"

You can then test your package and see how it would behave in a user’s environment with the command npm run pack:package or npm start.

Note: we’re implicitly describing the demo’s module type with file extensions (*.mjs/*.cjs), but *.ts can work with both module systems, so you need to have a type property of module in your demo’s package.json to explicitly define the module type. See demo examples here

You can additionally check if your package correctly supports CommonJS and ES Modules by uploading the .tgz file that’s created after npm run pack:package into Are The Types Wrong.

Publish the package

dr strange endgame meme

It’s common to publish a npm package using the CLI or using GitHub Actions.

The most popular package registries to publish to are the npm registry or the GitHub registry.

The following instructions will run tests and publish the npm package to the GitHub registry when a release has been made for the package.

Note: release-please will automatically create a release when the version bump pull request is merged.

name: Node.js Package
    types: [created]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: 18
      - run: npm ci
      - run: npm test
    needs: build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: read
      packages: write
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: 18
      - run: npm ci
      - run: npm publish
          NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}

There are no additional steps because the GITHUB_TOKEN is automatically supplied by your repository.

GitHub provides a guide on publishing to the npm registry, but essentially you replace registry-url with, create an npm access token, and add the access token to your GitHub repository secrets.

Note: users installing your package published to the GitHub registry will need to do additional steps by setting up a .npmrc file. I recommend publishing to the npm registry if you don’t want your users going through these extra steps.

Once you’ve made a release and published your package, you can check that your package correctly supports CommonJS and ES Modules by using Are The Types Wrong.

Thanks for reading

Keeping in mind your package requires a unique setup, I think this guide provides a detailed jumping-off point that I see as becoming exceedingly necessary4 for some developers today.

My npm starter-kit repo:

Enjoy my work? Subscribe and get notified when I write more things!


  • Tree Shaking References5
  • npm Dependencies References6
  • TypeScript References7
  • Jest References8
  • Why Not To Bundle Your Package References9
  • Package Configuration References10
  • Hybrid npm Packages (ESM and CJS) References11


  1. Interop issues with exporting as default

    3. “How to Create a Hybrid NPM Module for ESM and CommonJS” by SenseDeep, see section “Single Source Base”
  2. A series of articles describing why exporting as default is a horrible design pattern

    1. export default thing is different to export { thing as default }” by Jake Archibald
    2. “Avoid Export Default” by Basarat Ali Syed
    3. “Default Exports in JavaScript Modules Are Terrible” by Lloyd Atkinson
    4. “Why we have banned default exports in Javascript and you should do the same” by Kris Kaczor
  3. “What are ESLint and TypeScript, and how do they compare?” by

  4. Examples of why developers today need detailed guides on “how to build npm packages”

    2. “How to make your own npm package with typescript” by Colin Diesh; re: “There is a lot of mystery around making your own npm package”
    3. “Apple Front End Interview Questions” by Front End Interview Handbook; re: “How do you build an npm package” question
  5. Tree Shaking References

    1. “How To Make Tree Shakeable Libraries” by François Hendriks
    2. Webpack: Tree Shaking
  6. npm Dependencies References

    1. “NPM: Dependencies vs Peer Dependencies” by Tapaswi
    2. “Specifics of npm’s package.json handling” by npmjs
    3. “The npm Dependency Handbook for You” by Tapas Adhikary
  7. TypeScript References

    1. TypeScript Handbook: tsc CLI Options
    2. TSConfig Reference: compiler options
  8. Jest References

    1. “ts-jest: ESM Support”
    2. “jest: ECMAScript Modules”
  9. Why Not To Bundle Your Package References

  10. Package Configuration References

  11. Hybrid npm Packages (ESM and CJS) References

    1. “Hybrid npm packages (ESM and CommonJS)” by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
    2. “How to Create a Hybrid NPM Module for ESM and CommonJS” by SenseDeep
    3. “Best practices for creating a modern npm package with security in mind” by Brian Clark