

published on June 26, 2023 - updated on July 8, 2023

React TanQuery MaterialUI TailwindCSS Jotai Netlify Node.js Express.js MongoDB Docker Docker Compose Linode

A multi-user platform for reserving office spaces or indicating remote work location. Used in production for 50+ users.


The main goal of this project was to make it easier for colleagues to share office space.

There were two functional achievements

  1. Allow employees to reserve conference space
  2. Represent which employees are in the office


  • Technology: React, TanQuery, MUI, Tailwind, Jotai
  • Hosting: deployed on Netlify

Table of Contents

  • UI components
    • Particularly: rendering modular desks, toggle button, transition css
  • Rendering async information from backend.
    • Particularly: when querying for more multiple async information (BookingList and getUsername). - later integrated ReactQuery for both.
  • Fast rendering
    • Rendering an interactive map of the office that reflects current information
    • Error when rendering on halfsteps
  • Authentication
    • Particularly: Conditional rendering, authenticated requests (sessions)
  • Backend routing/Authentication architecture. Including middleware
  • Utilizing CORS to send requests from frontend and cookies from REST-API
  • Practice proper html elements for voice support
  • Efficient state management utilizing Jotai, Zustand, and useState
  • Handling database Load, Success, Failure: https://17.reactjs.org/docs/concurrent-mode-suspense.html
  • Stable React Queries and API request caching
  • Server-side scalability -> Modular server architecture
  • DevOps
    • deploying server-side services (PAA-Server, MongoDB, MongoExpress)
    • understanding and responding to errors
    • MongoDB connection and authentication
    • MongoDB data import and export
    • persistent data/volume configuration
    • environment variables




Session / Cookies

React Components